Nisa Camel Milk Beauty Soap – Dry Skin

Original price was: $8.Current price is: $1.

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SKU: CC00358

The Nisa Camel Milk Beauty Bar Soap offers numerous skin benefits, including:
1. Skin Softening: Natural source of alpha hydroxy acid for softening skin and promoting cell regeneration.
2. Anti-Aging: Prevents and heals wrinkles, stretch marks, blemishes, and fine lines.
3. Dark Spots/Pigmentation: Reduces pigmentation and age spots.
4. Natural Anti-Oxidant: Rich in Vitamin C, which protects the skin from damage.
5. Anti-Bacterial: Contains antibacterial agents found in camel milk, promoting healthy skin.
6. Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces skin redness and irritation with its anti-inflammatory properties.
7. Enriched with Vitamins: Contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, and D, naturally found in camel milk.
8. Sun Protection: Contains carotin, which protects the skin from UV rays.
9. Acne: Effective against eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, burns, and acne.
10. Skin Allergy: Soothes and protects skin from moisture loss, reducing skin allergies and inflammation.
Overall, this soap offers a wide range of benefits for achieving healthy, soft, and protected skin
Nisa Camel Milk Beauty Soap – Camel milk is a preserved skin care treasure being rich in AHAs (Alpha- Hydroxy Acids) it helps exfoliate dead skin cells in order to reveal generate new evenly-pigmented cells, it is a genuine merge of unadulterated camel milk, Saffron, Almond oil, Jojoba oil that keeps your skin tone balanced smooth.

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